Nolan - L'Anse Creuse - Class of 2018

August 24, 2017

Nolan Mullins is dropping-the-puck on his Senior Year at  L'Anse Creuse High School.  There isn't anyone more personable and easy going than him.  His smile and laughter has a way of instantly brightening a room.  You can't help but laugh when Nolan is around.     

This laughter comes in handy during band practice for the LCHS Marching Lancers where Nolan plays the tenor drums in the battery section.  Although he has a passion for the drum line, Nolan has played the bassoon since the 6th grade and this is his instrument of choice when playing with the LCHS Wind Symphony. 

Nolan is a hockey nut and has been playing since he was 8 years old.  At Capture A Moment, we love incorporating our client's interests within their photos because it makes them more personal and memorable.  Nolan brought along his hockey equipment and we were able to get some great shots.  What a nice way to remember his senior year playing for the L'Anse Creuse Unified team!

Knowing that Nolan wanted a casual setting for his pictures, we recommended Downtown New Baltimore as a shoot location.  The city's blend of coastal community along with natural elements was a perfect fit for Nolan who brought along three clothing changes which helped to add variety to his shoot. This city along the shores of Anchor Bay is also home to our Capture A Moment Photography studio where Nolan's yearbook photos were taken in more of a formal setting. 

Nolan has his eye on Western Michigan or Grand Valley State after high school.  Both are great colleges for the Physician's Assistant career he is considering.  Wherever you end up Nolan, we know you will be a success.  Capture A Moment is honored to be the photographers chosen to capture your smile for your senior pictures. 

If you are graduating this year or have a student graduating this year, it is now time to have Senior Pictures taken!  Call today at 586-646-8189 or feel free to book online.

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